Photo of Kenan Ünlü

Kenan Ünlü

Director of Radiation Science and Engineering Center, and Professor


  • Radiation Science & Engineering Center
  • Nuclear Engineering
  • Law, Policy, and Engineering

102 Breazeale Nuclear Reactor Building


Personal or Departmental Website

Research Areas:

LPE Academic Working Group; LPE Research Working Group; Nuclear Science; Nuclear Security

Interest Areas:

Development and applications of nuclear methods utilizing neutron beams for the analysis and characterization of condensed matters.




Kenan Ünlü graduated from Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey with an undergraduate and a M.Sc. degree in engineering physics. Ünlü received another M.Sc. and Ph.D. in nuclear engineering from the University of Michigan. He was a faculty member and the manager of neutron beam projects at the University of Texas at Austin from 1990 to 1998. He joined Cornell University in 1998 as the director of the Ward Center for Nuclear Sciences. Since 2002, he has been a faculty member at Penn State. He is the Director of the Radiation Science and Engineering Center, professor in the Ken and Mary Alice Lindquist Department of Nuclear Engineering and affiliate professor at the Penn State School of International Affairs. Ünlü has over thirty years of research reactor administration experiences for research, education, and service activities in leadership roles. His experiences include development and applications of nuclear methods for advancement of nuclear science and engineering, utilizations of research reactors for scientific research, and nuclear security education and research.




  • Kenan Unlu, 2015, Penn State Breazeale Nuclear Reactor: 60 Years of Nuclear Research, Teaching, Outreach, and Service, Penn State College of Engineering, University Park, PA, pp. 128

Journal Articles

  • Amanda M. Johnsen, Brenden J. Heidrich, Chad B. Durrant, Andrew J. Bascom and Kenan Unlu, 2015, "Reactor Production of 64Cu and 67Cu Using Enriched Zinc Target Material", Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 305, pp. 10
  • Sarah Bender, Brenden Heidrich and Kenan Unlu, 2015, "Compton Suppressed LaBr3 Detection System for use in Nondestructive Spent Fuel Assay", Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Physics Research A, pp. 11
  • D. Ucar, Kenan Unlu, B. J. Heidrich, K. N. Ivanov and M. N. Avramova, 2014, "Neutronic Designs and Analyses of a New Core-Moderator Assembly and Neutron Beam Ports for the Penn State Breazeale Reactor"
  • Dagistan Sahin, Kenan Unlu and Kostadin Ivanov, , "Neutronic Characterization of the PSBR Irradiation Positions using a Burnup Coupled MCNP Simulation with MURE", Nuclear Technology

Conference Proceedings

  • Kenan Unlu, 2015, "Nuclear Security Education Program at the Pennsylvania State University"
  • C. B. Durrant, J. D. Begg, P. Zhao, M. Zavarin, Kenan Unlu and A. B. Kersting, 2015, "DESORPTION OF CESIUM FROM MINERALS: THE EFFECT OF MINERAL COMPETITION", Tenth International Conference on Methods and Applications of Radioanlaytical Chemistry, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, USA
  • J. Rim, D. Peterson, E. Gonzales, C. Armenta and Kenan Unlu, 2014, "Novel Method for Rapid Extract of Radionuclides Using Polymer Ligand Film for Nuclear Forensics Applications", IAEA, International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Forensics: Countering the Evolving Threat of Nuclear and Other Radioactive Material out of Regulatory Control, IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria
  • Sarah Bender, Chad Durrant, Brenden Heidrich and Kenan Unlu, 2014, "Determination of Penn State Breazeale Reactor Fuel Element Burnup by Nondestructive Assay", Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Physics Research A, International Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications (SORMA 14), Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
  • Jung H. Rim, Dominic Peterson, Claudine Armenta, Edward Gonzales and Kenan Unlu, 2014, "Evaluating Polymer Ligand Film (PLF) for Plutonium and Uranium Extraction in Nuclear Forensics Application", 8th International Conference on Isotopes, Chicago IL, USA
  • Amanda M. Johnsen, Brenden J. Heidrich, Chad B. Durrant, Andrew J. Bascom and Kenan Unlu, 2014, "Research Reactor Production and Purification of 64CU and 67CU Using Enriched Zinc Isotopes", 8th International Conference on Isotopes, Chicago IL, USA
  • Kenan Unlu, 2014, "Interdisciplinary Research at the Radiation Science and Engineering Center at the Pennsylvania State University", IAEA " IAEA Technical Meeting on Research Reactor Coalitions: Concerted Actions in the Mediterranean Region " (IAEA-F1-TM-42756), pp. 5
  • Kenan Unlu, I. Jovanovic and A. Contreras, 2013, "Nuclear Security Education Program at the Pennsylvania State University", IAEA-International Conference on Nuclear Security: Enhancing Global Effort
  • S. Bender, C. Durrant, B. Heidrich and Kenan Unlu, 2013, "Experimental gamma ray burnup analysis of Penn State TRIGA reactor spent fuel rods", 54th Annual Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Conference
  • Kenan Unlu, C. Celik, V. Narayanan and T. Z. Hossain, 2013, "Investigation of Critical Charge and Sensitive Volume of the Neutron Intercepting Silicon Chip (NISC)", The third international conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA) Proceedings
  • J. Rim, D. S. Peterson, C. E. Armenta, E. R. Gonzales and Kenan Unlu, 2013, "Development of TIMS Procedure for Plutonium Extracted by the H2DEH[MDP] and HDEHP Polymer ligand film (PLF) system", 245th ACS National Meeting & Exposition
  • A. M. Johnsen, C. B. Durrant and Kenan Unlu, 2013, "Characterization of Italian Tile Samples Using Comparative Neutron Activation Analysis", Trans. Am. Nucl. Society, 109, (71)
  • D. Sahin, Kenan Unlu, P. I. Kuniholm and C. Pearson, 2013, "New Dendrochemical findings fo Pinus Nigra trees grown in the Mediterranean region", Trans. Am. Nucl. Society, 109, (102)
  • Kenan Unlu and A. M. Johnsen, 2013, "Curriculum Development for the Chemistry of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle at the Pennsylvania State University", Trans. Am. Nucl. Society, 108, (293)
  • A. M. Johnsen and Kenan Unlu, 2013, "Radiochemistry Education and Research Programs at the Pennsylvania State University", Trans. Am. Nucl. Society, 108, (295)
  • Kenan Unlu and B. Heidrich, 2012, "Relicensing and Utilizations of the Penn State Breazeale Reactor", IAEA "Technical Meeting on Assessment of Core Structural Materials and Surveillance Programme of Research Reactors" (TM-40035)
  • Kenan Unlu, B. Heidrich and M. Trump, 2012, "Challenges and lessons-learned during the reactor pool repair at the Penn State Brazeale Reactor", IAEA "Technical Meeting on Assessment of Core Structural Materials and Surveillance Programme of Research Reactors"(TM-40035)
  • Chad Durrant, J. Despotopulos, R.A. Henderson, K.J. Moody, Kenan Unlu and D.A. Shaughnessy, , "Development of an Automated Chemical Separation System for Forensic Sample Analysis"

Research Projects

Honors and Awards


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:




The Radiation Science & Engineering Center (RSEC) was established to manage Penn State's comprehensive nuclear research facilities, including the Breazeale Nuclear Reactor, Gamma Irradiation Facility, Radioactive sources and Radiation measurement resources. The RSEC provides safe nuclear analytical and testing facilities in support of the research and education activities of faculty, staff, and students at Penn State.

Radiation Science & Engineering Center

101 Breazeale Nuclear Reactor

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802-4710

Phone: 814-865-6351