Image of Reactor Core

Radiation Science & Engineering Center

The Radiation Science & Engineering Center (RSEC) was established in 1990 to manage Penn State's comprehensive nuclear research facilities, including the Breazeale Nuclear Reactor, Gamma Irradiation Facility, Radioactive sources and Radiation measurement resources. The RSEC is an independent unit under the Vice President for Research and the Dean of the College of Engineering at Penn State University. The RSEC provides safe nuclear analytical and testing facilities in support of the research and education activities of faculty, staff, and students at Penn State. The Center's resources are also available to users from other universities and educational institutions, governmental agencies, and corporations as part of the public service functions of the Penn State University, symbolized by its status as the Land Grant Institution of The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The RSEC facilities, most of which are housed in the Breazeale Nuclear Reactor Building, are some of the most unique and flexible in the country.



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The Radiation Science & Engineering Center (RSEC) was established to manage Penn State's comprehensive nuclear research facilities, including the Breazeale Nuclear Reactor, Gamma Irradiation Facility, Radioactive sources and Radiation measurement resources. The RSEC provides safe nuclear analytical and testing facilities in support of the research and education activities of faculty, staff, and students at Penn State.

Radiation Science & Engineering Center

101 Breazeale Nuclear Reactor

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802-4710

Phone: 814-865-6351